Christian Lawyers

I had a dear friend from way back send me a news story a while back, asking me to comment.

The story is, in a nutshell, about an Islamic school in Minnesota that seems to be receiving preferential treatment in clear violation of what we've come to recognize as maintaining the "separation of church and state." Of course, for political reasons and the manifest fact that Muslims are Very Touchy People, nobody in power in Minnesota seems to want to apply the very clear laws on religious liberties and religious limitations to this Islamic school.

So, as a lawyer (member of the California Bar since 1994), I look at the apparent facts, apply what I know of U.S. Constitutional law, and see that this situation is ripe for a lawsuit. Christians could sue the state of Minnesota requesting relief in requiring the state to provide equal treatment regarding religious liberties. From the facts I know, it seems it would be a slam-dunk.


Oh, but I forgot!!!

We can’t find anyone to help us Christians sue to correct this clear violation of the U.S. Constitution because, after all…

Being a “Christian Lawyer” is a contradiction in terms! Ha, ha, ha!

Next time you need legal help, hire a comedian.

Yep, no apologies here; being made fun of, marginalized, and ridiculed for being both a fully devoted follower of Jesus and an attorney at law is not fun. Sure, why shouldn't I be insulted, jeered, and my personal integrity, honesty, and devotion to Jesus called into question??

Yep, don't you know I feel all affirmed and supported by my brothers and sisters in Christ when they tell me they know the law better than I do because some radio preacher told 'em so; when they tell me I don't have a 'real doctorate;' when I'm automatically placed in the same category with the worst example of lawyer that they've ever met or even heard of.

Yep, listening to "lawyer jokes" where people laugh at the thought of lawyers being tortured, mutilated, and killed is exactly the way I want to begin a relationship with the joke teller. Hmmmm. What an interesting way to start a relationship with a stranger: I just let you know that I'm a lawyer and the first thing you do is tell a story that apparently expresses your wish to see me dying a horrifying death. Ha-ha. Thank you; such a pleasure to meet you, as well. Please, sir, may I have another?

Ahhh; what's the matter - can't I take a joke?

Jesus said, "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Don't you know it; that I feel the love from my fellow disciples of Jesus!

Same thing goes for Christian teachers in the public school system, Christian business people working in corporate life, Christians working in mainstream media, and so forth. Christians who actually want to love God and love their neighbor get the stuffing kicked out of them on a pretty regular basis. They get kicked at by their workplace for being Christians, and then they come to church and get really worked over for actually trying to live and declare the gospel to people who really need to see it.

Next time you bemoan the deterioration of American culture, be sure to thank God for the foresight you exercised by encouraging other Christians *from* being a Christ-honoring presence in our culture.


Eric said...

Sure sounds religious to me. How odd.

Didn't realize there was such abuse of Christian lawyers. For several years we attended Church at Rocky Peak in Chatsworth. We went to a Sunday School class lead by a lawyer. His two partners were also prominent in the class. One of the best Sunday School experiences I've had at one of the best churches I've attended. They ministered to us and helped us grow a lot in a short time.

emesselt said...

Yep, I know those guys - excellent men.